My Most Loved Travel Resources

Cyndi Travel Resources
We live in a world that is so easy to navigate thanks to the help of apps, websites, and guidebooks! However, it’s very hard to choose which resources is best suited for the individual! So,  I’ve curated a collection of my go-to apps, websites and online resources for finding great deals on flights and hotels. You’ll, also, find apps for staying healthy so you can travel longer and even a few for finding love on the road.

Want to stay healthy while traveling, work abroad or find some love while on the road? Yeah! I’ve included resources for those things too!

This travel resource page is regularly updated and links to some of the logos will take you to discount packages for first-time users! Feel free to email me if you have any questions or have any suggestions for me to try!

cyndiful in pink hand writing


The travel industry is a huge industry which equals lots of unusual jobs and opportunities that include travel in the job description. See the links below for some out of the box careers that get you out of the office and exploring the world.


These are my top used apps and websites for finding the best flight prices, routes and tracking your flight. Hint: use an incognito window when searching flights to avoid cooking tracking which leads to unfair pricing.

Flight Aware logo with blue airplane


Vaierty is the spice of life and depending on my mood, location and budget, I use these sites and apps to find the best price for accommodations ranging from a hostel to luxury


Use Duolingo to learn common phrases for countries you’ll be visiting and Google Translate for assistance when body language fails!

google translate chinese character to english
Duolingo logo with green owl


Track your luggage or create a digital closet with these services below and never worry about packing or laundry again!


As a professional guide, I am a huge advocate for the value of booking a tour. Consider doing a city tour upon arrival to your destination to better understand the city and get insight into what you should do during your free time!

free walking tour


Many times I am alone when on personal travel and desire linking up with link-minded Nomads. All four apps have enabled me to connect with lovers of travel and two of the three are designed with only friendship in mind.

touralina logo in black
lioness travel app logo in green
bumble bff logo in blue and yellow


These are my favorite apps and subscription services for staying healthy and active while gallivanting the globe.