
3 04, 2018

Top Tips for Staying Healthy During Travel

By |2018-04-23T22:20:34+00:00April 3rd, 2018|General|0 Comments

Fitness and healthy eating have always been an important component of my lifestyle and when I left my 9-5 desk job, my fitness and health routine became quite unusual. As I started hoping timezones to lead tours, simultaneously cutting weight for an NPC Bikini competition, I created a variety of fitness habits and healthy [...]

3 04, 2018

Best of Beirut

By |2018-04-03T15:47:16+00:00April 3rd, 2018|Destination, Lebanon, Middle East|0 Comments

Lebanon is one of my favorite countries visited but it didn't start out that way. I initially scheduled a 5-day visit to Beirut in 2016 as a stop-over on my way to Jordan. I was hesitant to trust anyone, travel outside of Beirut or really do any partying the first two days because of [...]

19 02, 2018

Take a Free City Tour

By |2018-02-19T04:15:53+00:00February 19th, 2018|General, Travel Tips|0 Comments

I'm Obsessed With Free City Tours! Ever heard of a free tour? I didn't and I have worked in the tourism industry for over four years! So, imagine my surprise when I learned that a colleague was giving free tours in Washington, DC and going on free tours when abroad! What [...]

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